
This is what happens if you massage your feet before going to bed at night

Benefit of foot massage

Many people do not fall asleep even after getting tired at night and going to bed at night. For such people, it would be a good idea to try this technique. Massaging the feet will soothe the body and help you fall asleep faster. Massaging the feet will not only help you sleep but also strengthen your nervous system and nerves. The acupressure point will also receive energy. Our legs have acupressure points all over the body.

foot massage

foot massage

Massaging the feet puts pressure on the acupressure points. It reduces body stress and gives peace of mind. This is the biggest reason for your good sleep. Massaging the feet removes toxins from the body and massaging the feet gives strength to all the organs of the body.

Benefits of massaging the feet at night.

foot massage

foot massage

  • If you do not sleep at night, wash and clean your feet before bedtime. Then massage the feet with mustard oil. Massaging the feet accelerates blood circulation and soothes the nerves of the feet.
  • Rubbing on the feet will not only give you sleep but also help you to control your weight. Massage also helps in reducing body fat. Massage removes harmful elements from the body.
  • If you are tired after working all day, massage your feet well. Massaging the feet will help you to avoid mental and physical fatigue and you will be able to sleep peacefully.
  • According to acupressure therapy, different parts of the foot are connected to different organs of the body. All these organs can be kept healthy by massaging the feet.
  • Massage is a great way to maintain the beauty of the feet. It improves blood circulation and improves the skin of the feet. Applying coconut oil, almond, til, or flaxseed oil to massage the feet will enhance the beauty of the feet.
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